Saturday, February 28, 2009

What's Next?

Well, we now know that Obama is Not about change at all since most if not all of his cabinet is made up of clowns as far back as the Clinton administration. Let's not also forget what happened to the " no lobbyist in my administration"..Mr. Attorney General and many many more. also what happen to letting the public view items 5 days before things get much for transparency. The market keeps going further and further down and soon enough even the liberal media will start having to ask some questions we know they don't want to, but come on. I'm not even getting into what he's doing with the military. The writing is on the wall. He may be putting all his eggs in one basket real fast and if things don't start turning around soon this dude willow. be the fastest labeled joke of a president this country has or will ever see. I've said it from before the beginning, this guy is a clown and should have never even won the nomination but look where we are now.
So what's next? Well, at least a few more years of broken promises,lies and don't forget higher taxes (oh they're coming) finger pointing to the past (he does seem to look more in the past then the future)and the biggest deficit in the history of any 4 country's combined.
Just let's hope and if your religious prey the next guy can put us back on course.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009