Saturday, June 27, 2009

The New PSP Go

The New PSP Go. Independent UK games retailers Chips and Grainger Games are downbeat about Sony’s PSP Go release plans.

Neither retailer has received any pre-orders for the new handheld – which has yet to be officially priced in the UK, but will retail for $249 and €249 in the US and Europe upon its October 1 release – following the system’s official unveiling at E3 earlier this month.
Pushed on whether Chips might opt not to stock PSP Go across its 30 UK stores, McCabe said: “It’s a distinct possibility at the moment. If suddenly I get a wealth of pre-orders then I’ll reconsider my position, but right now I would have to say that it’s not our intention to stock the product at this point in time.”
The console will likely be offered at “basically” Grainger’s cost price, so while the retailer is likely to make just a small margin - if any - on each sale, it’s reluctant to turn customers away. “So we’ll probably still have the PSP Go, but we’ll probably start with a small campaign, and then stock them as we need them in very little numbers.”
While PSP Go’s UK pricing has yet to be determined, leading national retailer Game is currently taking pre-orders for the portable at a “guide price” of £229.99, with just a little over three months to go until release.

Transplant For Jobs

Steve Jobs, who has been on medical leave from Apple for the past six months, received a liver transplant at a hospital in Memphis, Tenn., two months ago. Earlier this year, Apple's CEO was reported to be relocating from California to Tennessee, which has a shorter waiting list for patients seeking organs.
The surgery, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, was confirmed with Jobs' approval by the hospital where the procedure occurred. Methodist University Hospital added that Jobs received the liver because he was "the sickest patient on the waiting list at the time a donor organ became available."
Although Apple has chosen to remain quiet about the health of CEO Steve Jobs, a prominent investor criticized the handling of the situation. In an interview on CNBC, Berkshire Hathaway CEO and iconic investor Warren Buffett said Apple should have disclosed the seriousness of Jobs' illness, describing it as a "material fact" for shareholders of the company.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett R.I.P.

Farrah Fawcett, pop icon of the 1970s, has died. She was 62.
Her spokesman, Paul Bloch, says Fawcett died Thursday morning in
a Santa Monica hospital. Her 2½-year battle with cancer was
depicted in the TV documentary "Farrah's Story."

The pop icon, who in the 1980s set aside the fantasy girl image to tackle serious roles, died shortly before 9:30 a.m. in a Santa Monica hospital, spokesman Paul Bloch said.

Ryan O’Neal, the longtime companion who had reunited with Fawcett as she fought anal cancer, was at her side, along with close friend Alana Stewart, Bloch said.

"After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away," O’Neal said. "Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."

She will be truly be missed. R.I.P.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Microsoft's free antivirus software?

Microsoft has officially unveiled its long-awaited consumer antivirus offering. Formerly code-named “Morro,” it’s now been christened Microsoft Security Essentials, and it will enter public beta testing next week. If you have a licensed copy of Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or above), Windows Vista, or Windows 7, you’ll be able to download and install the software at no additional charge. No subscription is required for ongoing definition updates, either. The final release is scheduled for this fall. Many will become beta testers (myself included) and if it's written half as good as Windows 7, they may have another hit.

New iPhone..really

Apple iPhone 3G S - 32GB - black (AT&T) Apple iPhone 3G S

The iPhone 3G S, which will hit stores June 19, promises a faster iPhone with an extended battery life, more memory, and improved features. It looks exactly the same as the previous model, but both the 16GB ($199) and new 32GB ($299) models will come in white and black versions.

So basically same old same old, Yet the fan boys will go out and buy yet another device no one needs.

What will become of all the old iphones?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

DTV Is Here

As of today,we go digital. nearly all over-the-air analog TV transmission will cease in the United States. Some stations will continue with a so-called "analog nightlight" service until July 11--providing information about the DTV transition and notifying unprepared TV viewers of emergencies, such as hurricanes. And low-power stations will continue analog broadcasts for some time. But by and large, analog stations will be completing the transition to digital broadcasting that started several years ago.

Most people have either satellite or some form of cable (sorry for you guys), so it's not an issue for us. But for a few (tens of thousands) I hope you got your new boxes and are up and running, if not call your government..and tell me how that works out for you.

APPLE Afraid Of Palm?

Monday's keynote speech and demonstrations introduced the new iPhone 3GS that is supposed to be faster in terms of download and connection speeds and more robust when it comes to juggling applications.

While the new 3GS will begin selling for US$199 for a 16 GB version and $299 for 32 GBs starting June 19 (with a two-year service agreement), Apple's loudest shot across the bow at the rising tide of smartphone competitors like Palm (Nasdaq: PALM) More about Palm and Research In Motion (Nasdaq: RIMM) More about Research In Motion may be its new $99 price tag for the current iPhone 3G More about 3G. That goes into effect immediately.

Is APPLE afraid of competition? I would have to say YES!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bing Or Not To Bing!

OK- have you checked out the latest from Microsoft? Yes I'm referring to the newly named search engine that is suppose to take down Google, It's called Bing. I've heard about 30 different and some very funny jokes about the Bing! Mainly that it is great for searching porn and then therefor you get the first Bing! Not that I've checked for such things. Some say it already has passed Yahoo's numbers but really is that a hard thing to do (BING) get it.
It's a good name for the joking aspect, but It looks like it has potential. Check it out for yourself and then go tell someone to BING something. Ha Ha Don't worry..I have a million of these. They are quite easy and fun to come up with.

The PRE Is Here.. can I Get In Line?

Well, today we have the Pre going on sale...will there be any lines, will it be a hit? We will know in just under 10 hours or so when first reports start dribbling in. There is a story already going around the net about an old women who couldn't wait so she drove her car through the front door of a store that will be selling these hot little numbers.