Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday

Like l said in my last post, Main stream media ( and their so called experts ) gets it wrong again. They all were ranting how bad sales were going to be and that no one was going out to spend money " because of the times ". People were out in force including myself spending and spending. When are they going to learn to just report the facts and stop trying to push their bosses agendas.

I know they think the American public is dumb and for the most part they're right, but there's always going to be enough of us out there that are going to call them out on all of their screw ups. knowing the media there will always be plenty of them.

Remember people cycles.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Recession? Depression? Or The Natural Progression of Things

Maybe it's just me in New Jersey, but l don't see what the liberal media ( yes, research it ) keeps crying about. Things are tough all over but give it a rest. Everything comes and goes in,stock market,jobs,housing..l could go on and on. The highways are congested in the morning and evening because everyone's going to work. Go to any mall on any given day especially Saturday and it is always ALWAYS packed. People ( yes the Consumers ) are still spending money left and right! Buying big screen tv's,computers and even cars despite what the media says, l personally don't know anyone who is unemployed other then one person and he chooses to be ( l know sad..but) and at least 10 people l know with in the last week has either bought a new 42+" tv, car or house.

Back to the cycle thing, in any given say 5 years how many people are going to buy a big ticket item? If they are in the market yes, but anyone who has will not be buying or looking to do so. Take a look around many old cars do you see (7 yrs or older) not many right, why because everyone ( or real close ) has bought one in the last couple years. The same with housing ect. Not everyone can buy 2 or 3 of everything every other year to keep the economy going strong. Cycles- things go up things go down. Some people win some lose...getting the picture?

What about all the crying that the media was doing about gas prices..ha! When they have an agenda to push, hell then you hear the sky falling don't you. The price of gas has been going down for the last 2 months consistently. How many stories have you heard about that, l guarantee not as mush as 1% as opposed to when they were screaming about it keep going up.

The news (your local channel and papers) is not news, it's bullshit and fluff. Take a hard look at what they keep reporting on and look to see who is really either benefiting from it or what's really behind it. I bet you'll see it not real news but junk or fluff and is back by an agenda.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Google Is Pissing Me Off!

Well now l something to write about. This time it is the all mighty Google. For some reason and of course they don't explain it well, my AdSense account has been disabled! Now writing about this may have the Zar take my blogs off of Google, but like any good writer there's other means to get our voice heard. l mean what the hell.. is this what our forefathers had in mind.. is these companies getting to big, when they can just screw with anyone they want who's smaller then them. They sure as shit don't mess with anyone big or has any kind of recourse.
I'm sure this has happened to thousands of people and it just may happen to you next.
Maybe Microsoft should buy Yahoo. Obveously Google is way to big for it's britches.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just A Note

Yea, it's been a while. Nobody has ticked me off lately and haven't really had any time to write, still don't but figured l had to write something.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

America Got It Wrong

Well, we knew it, America got it wrong and now we will pay for it...just watch.

Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain or Obama?

Well one more day to see who the next pres will be. l have a feeling that America as a whole is to dumb and lazy to know the facts or even want to know what they might be. Which means the Dem's will get in, and we go right to a depression with higher taxes (par for the course for Dem's).
Well the only good thing about that is after 4 years of Obama, the Dem's will never get back in white house for at least 20 years if not more. Unfortunately we get everything else wrong in the mean while...we will get out of the war(mistake 1), our taxes go up (mistake 2), guess what happens to well-fare ((Ha Ha yep up up) mistake 3) you know l could just go on & on. The worst I'm afraid is we will get hit again probably with in 18 months. Hold on tight to your wallets people for the next 4 think it's bad now ha wait.

Final question is America as dumb as the rest of the world thinks..we will find out in less then 48 hour. l unfortunately l think yes, l hope I'm wrong.

I'm not a religious man but if McCain doesn't win it..God Help us all!