Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain or Obama?

Well one more day to see who the next pres will be. l have a feeling that America as a whole is to dumb and lazy to know the facts or even want to know what they might be. Which means the Dem's will get in, and we go right to a depression with higher taxes (par for the course for Dem's).
Well the only good thing about that is after 4 years of Obama, the Dem's will never get back in white house for at least 20 years if not more. Unfortunately we get everything else wrong in the mean while...we will get out of the war(mistake 1), our taxes go up (mistake 2), guess what happens to well-fare ((Ha Ha yep up up) mistake 3) you know l could just go on & on. The worst I'm afraid is we will get hit again probably with in 18 months. Hold on tight to your wallets people for the next 4 think it's bad now ha wait.

Final question is America as dumb as the rest of the world thinks..we will find out in less then 48 hour. l unfortunately l think yes, l hope I'm wrong.

I'm not a religious man but if McCain doesn't win it..God Help us all!

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