Saturday, October 31, 2009

Microsoft Has Got Its Groove Back, Apple Not So Much

Microsoft has got its groove back -- at least when it comes to designing an operating system that really delivers. By comparison, Apple's most recent product launch -- a multitouch mouse -- looks almost laughable. anticipating a battle royal between Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) and Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) and thought both companies would come to the mat with their best stuff. It felt like Apple was so focused on maintaining high margins last quarter that it gave up a huge chance to grow share, and its stealth launch of a couple of PCs and a multitouch mouse just seemed lame next to the massive rollout of Windows boxes. Seriously, competing with a touchscreen product with a multitouch mouse is sort of like GM competing with Ford's antilock brake system with a vibrating brick you glue to the break pedal. If Microsoft had done this instead of Apple, Mac fans would be rolling in the aisles. They don't seem to be finding this that funny. Apple fans pointing out the similarity between the new hardware, software and experience to an Apple from folks who evidently didn't quite grasp that this similarity comes at around 50 percent of the cost. They also seemed not to get that touch, like the iPhone does touch, is done on the screen -- not on a touchpad or mouse. It amazes me how Apple fans seem to focus like a laser on who copies whom, particularly with the patent infringement litigation popping up all around Apple. It seems incredibly hypocritical to me, especially given how Apple started.

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