Friday, December 4, 2009

Droid Bullies Sissy iPhone

The ad depicts the iPhone as pretty but clueless. Specifically, according to Verizon Wireless, it's a "tiara wearing digitally clueless beauty pageant queen." The Verizon Droid, by contrast is a robot, one that "rips through the Web like a circular saw through a ripe banana." Poking fun of gender differences is a bedrock of many campaigns. Dockers, for example, is launching a global ad campaign -- with spots planned for the upcoming Super Bowl -- called "Wear the Pants." The goal, the company says, is to "emancipate" men from the "Dilbert-hood" of cubicle khaki. The intent of the campaign is to offer up a new definition of "masculinity," one that embraces strength and sensitivity and appeals to men who can change a tire and a diaper, said Jennifer Sey, global VP of marketing Download Free eBook - The Edge of Success: 9 Building Blocks to Double Your Sales. Dockers "wants to make them laugh at themselves and at the state of manhood." Of course, the clash between AT&T and Verizon goes beyond the iPhone. The two companies are each spending more than one billion dollars annually to convince consumers that one brand has better overall coverage than the other and that one's 3G network is better than the other's, Cakebread said. "AT&T would be better off putting that money into their infrastructure, as many iPhone owners complain about the 3G coverage and how bad it is," he said, noting that while AT&T's basic coverage has improved, its 3G network is weak compared to Verizon. "Verizon has many positives, including outstanding service and coverage," Strahilevitz added. "The iPhone is popular with males and females who know very little if at all about technology and want to be something they're not "pretty" and it is particularly popular with half witz who think that they are highly educated," to bad that is farther from the truth,she told the E-Commerce Times.

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