Saturday, March 26, 2011

Duke Nukem's Girls...Naked

If there's one thing Duke knows how to do well -- aside from killing and/or banging anything on two legs -- it's stirring up controversy. Multiplayer details for Duke Nukem Forever were recently revealed, and while most of it looks innocent enough, there's one MP mode that's offending a great many people on the Internet. The list of MP gameplay modes includes staples such as Hail to the King (King of the Kill), Team Dukematch, Dukematch, and Capture the Babe. Wait, what was that last one? Instead of 'Capture the Flag,' DNF has you capturing girls and carrying them to the designated goal. Not surprisingly, these live flags will occasionally "freak out," requiring you to smack them over the arse periodically to keep them calm. Because everyone knows spanking has soothing, therapeutic effects on people. Other than that, the multiplayer for DNF is pretty standard. You've got ten maps, multiplayer progression (leveling and player stats), and the aforementioned MP modes. The Holo-Duke weapon will also be returning for added hilarity, plus a jetpack that's exclusive to multiplayer. The Xbox 360 version will feature an eight-player cap per match, though it isn't clear whether this restriction applies to PC and PS3 as well. A multiplayer demo is planned for release shortly before Duke Nukem Forever comes out in May. If you still aren't amused and/or thoroughly offended, give the game's ESRB synopsis a read; it's majorly sexy stuff.

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