Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Now Verizon...Is It Just Me?

l don't know, is it just me or is everyone having problems with their phone/tv & internet providers.
you've read my other posts on Directv and Dish (if not scroll down), now l'm having issues with who else but Verizon. This is the most common issue..they sell you on a price and some how every other month the price seems to go up! Now l'm wondering if l drop my home phone with these clowns am l going to have to pay yet another cancellation fee.

This crap seems to be a never ending thing with these guy. so that's my question, is it just me and my bad luck or is everyone having these neverending problems.


1 comment:

80's rocker dad said...

dude couldn't agree with you more. they all suck. i gotta deal with crap at work just to come home and hear the wife bitch about the kids. then spend half an hour talking to some baby momma pretend shes gonna do something about the cable. they promise the best of everything just to get your cash. just like my wife did. and i got crap ! and they wonder why we just want to spend our time in the bar. beer dosent bitch back and you get something for your effort