Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trying To Get Rich??

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone on Craigs list is over pricing their crap trying to get rich.
Are these people really that dopey or do they think people are so stupid that they can't find out what things are really worth. l mean just take a look at some of the items.. a g3 or g4 for $500-or more when a new one is just a few hundred more or any laptop for that matter. What about the xbox or ps2 or 3 for $2-300 again hello a new one is about the same price.

l could go on and on. lt's pretty sad that Craigs list has become worse then Ebay and that's saying alot. l usually get a kick out of these clowns thinking they are going to get rich off their (mostly) crap.
lt would be interesting if there were stats on what gets posted and actually which of these items get sold.

Food for thought!

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