Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nothing in Particular...

It's been a while since my last post, l really haven't had any time to post or had anything to say..still don't but figured l should write every so often. So this one is about nothing in particular. Just the ramblings of --- man.
No wait a minute, l do have something to say. I am however pissed about my Mac.... what is it with this shitty OS (osx), that if you hit the wrong key combination that the damn thing either loses your drive or locks you out...aah shouldn't that not happen while the OS is running. Funny that's how there... umm competitors do it! So to fix this you either need another mac to download a program (if l didn't make a backup & no l didn't..l know l know) or reformat the drive and start over.
Maybe it's just me but seems like a bad design flaw..although Jobs would probably say feature, ya go figure.

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