Friday, September 25, 2009

FM Radio Comes to the iPod...Been Done

If you’ve been asking for an iPod with a built-in radio, you’re finally in luck. After eight long years, Apple has finally delivered. Taking yet another page from Microsoft's Zune!
Last week, Apple introduced its latest version of the iPod Nano, a multimedia player that’s smaller than a business card and weighs 1.28 ounces. It’s small enough to slip into some running shorts and skirt pockets.
While the radio is a welcome addition, the new Nano has some other features geared toward the active set. There’s a pedometer and, like previous Nanos, it is also compatible with the Nike Plus system that tracks your distance and other running or walking stats. The Nano also has a stopwatch and a voice-over feature that tells you the name of a song from your playlist. Of course, you can still listen to podcasts and your own music. So if you want to use wireless headphones, you’ll need an adapter. If you’re listening to a song and want to remember the name for later, you can “tag” it (but only if the station supports iTunes tagging). When you connect the iPod to your computer, iTunes will show you a list of the songs you tagged and then gives you the option to purchase the song from iTunes.
At first, the tagging and live pause on the iPod’s dial is not comfortable and you will inadvertently pause the radio when you want to pull up the tuner to change stations. It takes some getting used to, But it's no Zune! Sorry Apple too little to late.

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