Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jobs Back But Nothing New For Apple

Steve Jobs stepped back into the spotlight for the first time in nearly a year on Wednesday, drawing a standing ovation before unveiling new and cheaper iPods for Apple Inc. But Apple's shares closed 1 percent lower after hitting a year's high in the session. Analysts said they dipped because investors took profits after a steady run-up in the days before the event. One analyst also pointed to Jobs' appearance, saying the 54-year-old chief executive looked "frail."
Dressed in his trademark black turtleneck and jeans, Jobs took the stage and thanked everyone in the Apple community for their "heartfelt support." It was his first public appearance since returning to work in June after six months of medical leave, during which the charismatic corporate showman underwent a liver transplant. Jobs started off by announcing a new version of Apple's popular online media store, iTunes, and updated software for the iPhone. He then unveiled new iPod features and colors, and announced price cuts for other models ahead of the crucial holiday season. But the real news is again for yet another year no new news. Still the same old apple, l'm waiting for the Zune HD!

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