Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trying To Get Rich??

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone on Craigs list is over pricing their crap trying to get rich.
Are these people really that dopey or do they think people are so stupid that they can't find out what things are really worth. l mean just take a look at some of the items.. a g3 or g4 for $500-or more when a new one is just a few hundred more or any laptop for that matter. What about the xbox or ps2 or 3 for $2-300 again hello a new one is about the same price.

l could go on and on. lt's pretty sad that Craigs list has become worse then Ebay and that's saying alot. l usually get a kick out of these clowns thinking they are going to get rich off their (mostly) crap.
lt would be interesting if there were stats on what gets posted and actually which of these items get sold.

Food for thought!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Today Is my little girls birthday and she's turning 2! we're throwing her a big party. l'm sure fun will be had by all....


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Link to my other blog..

Link to my other blog..

Dish Network?

Well like l left my last post.. l joined Dish Network for my tv after leaving Directv and already l’ve had major problems with these guys. First the sale rep promised me all these goodies including a second dvr free of charge which was (B.S.) and of course l said ok. They came and installed the system on a Saturday and what do you know, after the tech left my main dvr started acting up. This thing (625) is a piece of crap! lt started going into a constant restart loop. l called support, they said that they couldn’t send someone till Wednesday/Thursday… l flipped out on these smoes. l called a supervisor that came by during the install and he said he’ld have someone here the next day with a new unit. OK, the company told me that they would credit me for not having service for 2 days..ya ok here comes the first bill…not only did l not get my credit but they charged me a $99 service fee that they later said was for the second dvr.

So after argureing with THESE clowns now for 2 months they say they will waive the $99 fee. l let you know what happens when the next bill comes in.

Unfortunately all these companies SUCK! l guess it comes down to which one sucks less and which one actully might listen to some of their customers.

Until next time.

P. Fucile

My Directv Woes…

Sorry it’s been awhile. l finally beat off Directv and their nasty reps!! lt took me 3 months and a ton of calls to various reps and supervisors (which are same-they just flip a coin to see who’s who today). l’ve even wrote and called 7 on your side,shame on you (CBS),channel 9,fox 5 and a couple others. only one answered me back but even then l didn’t get anywhere!! So much for the press looking out for the little guy..ha! Anyway l finally called corporate and l’m not sure but the guy told me he was the C.E.O anyway after telling him my long and aggravating story he finally agreed to wipe my bill cleaned and said l would be receiving a refund (not holding my breath).

But at least the $400 bill they were trying to extort from me is gone. So after all of that l switched to Dish Network (thanks John C. Dvorak (lol)) and l’ve had some problems with these guys already! But that’s for the next blog.

Check back for the next installment.


Hello..this is my first post!!


Yes, this my first post on my new blog……if my mommy can see me now!!

l’ll have alot more to say in a day or so, things like how pissed l am about how Directv and now Dish Network is tring to extort money out of people for canceling, anywhere from $250. to $400. lt is outrageous!!!!

More to come.