Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, another year has come and gone. Do you think this year will be better then the last?
I'm not putting to much hope in it now that we'll have Obama to lead us. But me personally don't have any worries, l have plenty of dough, no dept and I'm not in the stock market. l hope the rest of the country will be as safe.

Happy New Year to us all and let's see what becomes of us.

Microsoft Zune

Well it's been a while since l wrote anything and today l found something to write about. As thousands of others found out today upon waking up and looking at our Zunes, we noticed that they were locked up. So doing a little research on the net, l found out about a major problem everyone's having with at least the first gen 30 gig Zune and how no one knew how to fix this problem. The Zune team only mentioned that they were aware of the problem but that's all the said. I took mine apart and put it back together and so far so good.

I'm quite curious to know what happened and what the fix is going to be. Maybe Microsoft had a bad bug and will send us all new Zunes....ya not likely.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday

Like l said in my last post, Main stream media ( and their so called experts ) gets it wrong again. They all were ranting how bad sales were going to be and that no one was going out to spend money " because of the times ". People were out in force including myself spending and spending. When are they going to learn to just report the facts and stop trying to push their bosses agendas.

I know they think the American public is dumb and for the most part they're right, but there's always going to be enough of us out there that are going to call them out on all of their screw ups. knowing the media there will always be plenty of them.

Remember people cycles.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Recession? Depression? Or The Natural Progression of Things

Maybe it's just me in New Jersey, but l don't see what the liberal media ( yes, research it ) keeps crying about. Things are tough all over but give it a rest. Everything comes and goes in,stock market,jobs,housing..l could go on and on. The highways are congested in the morning and evening because everyone's going to work. Go to any mall on any given day especially Saturday and it is always ALWAYS packed. People ( yes the Consumers ) are still spending money left and right! Buying big screen tv's,computers and even cars despite what the media says, l personally don't know anyone who is unemployed other then one person and he chooses to be ( l know sad..but) and at least 10 people l know with in the last week has either bought a new 42+" tv, car or house.

Back to the cycle thing, in any given say 5 years how many people are going to buy a big ticket item? If they are in the market yes, but anyone who has will not be buying or looking to do so. Take a look around many old cars do you see (7 yrs or older) not many right, why because everyone ( or real close ) has bought one in the last couple years. The same with housing ect. Not everyone can buy 2 or 3 of everything every other year to keep the economy going strong. Cycles- things go up things go down. Some people win some lose...getting the picture?

What about all the crying that the media was doing about gas prices..ha! When they have an agenda to push, hell then you hear the sky falling don't you. The price of gas has been going down for the last 2 months consistently. How many stories have you heard about that, l guarantee not as mush as 1% as opposed to when they were screaming about it keep going up.

The news (your local channel and papers) is not news, it's bullshit and fluff. Take a hard look at what they keep reporting on and look to see who is really either benefiting from it or what's really behind it. I bet you'll see it not real news but junk or fluff and is back by an agenda.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Google Is Pissing Me Off!

Well now l something to write about. This time it is the all mighty Google. For some reason and of course they don't explain it well, my AdSense account has been disabled! Now writing about this may have the Zar take my blogs off of Google, but like any good writer there's other means to get our voice heard. l mean what the hell.. is this what our forefathers had in mind.. is these companies getting to big, when they can just screw with anyone they want who's smaller then them. They sure as shit don't mess with anyone big or has any kind of recourse.
I'm sure this has happened to thousands of people and it just may happen to you next.
Maybe Microsoft should buy Yahoo. Obveously Google is way to big for it's britches.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just A Note

Yea, it's been a while. Nobody has ticked me off lately and haven't really had any time to write, still don't but figured l had to write something.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

America Got It Wrong

Well, we knew it, America got it wrong and now we will pay for it...just watch.

Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain or Obama?

Well one more day to see who the next pres will be. l have a feeling that America as a whole is to dumb and lazy to know the facts or even want to know what they might be. Which means the Dem's will get in, and we go right to a depression with higher taxes (par for the course for Dem's).
Well the only good thing about that is after 4 years of Obama, the Dem's will never get back in white house for at least 20 years if not more. Unfortunately we get everything else wrong in the mean while...we will get out of the war(mistake 1), our taxes go up (mistake 2), guess what happens to well-fare ((Ha Ha yep up up) mistake 3) you know l could just go on & on. The worst I'm afraid is we will get hit again probably with in 18 months. Hold on tight to your wallets people for the next 4 think it's bad now ha wait.

Final question is America as dumb as the rest of the world thinks..we will find out in less then 48 hour. l unfortunately l think yes, l hope I'm wrong.

I'm not a religious man but if McCain doesn't win it..God Help us all!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Apple Care.. Doesn't Care!

This is a follow up to my last post. lf you haven't read my last post.
l spoke with a Apple Care rep to discus my problem and after him telling me how sorry he was that what had happened happened, he set up a time and date for me to go to an Apple store to pick up an os disk or recovery disks. The rep at the store feeds me a whole other line of crap saying that the first rep was wrong and should of never told me what he told me. Long story short l get screwed by Apple! Way to go!!

Doesn't anyone care about their customers any more?? And what happened to the motto the customer comes first and is always right. Dam, l miss the good old days (and l'm young).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nothing in Particular...

It's been a while since my last post, l really haven't had any time to post or had anything to say..still don't but figured l should write every so often. So this one is about nothing in particular. Just the ramblings of --- man.
No wait a minute, l do have something to say. I am however pissed about my Mac.... what is it with this shitty OS (osx), that if you hit the wrong key combination that the damn thing either loses your drive or locks you out...aah shouldn't that not happen while the OS is running. Funny that's how there... umm competitors do it! So to fix this you either need another mac to download a program (if l didn't make a backup & no l didn't..l know l know) or reformat the drive and start over.
Maybe it's just me but seems like a bad design flaw..although Jobs would probably say feature, ya go figure.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Zune or Ipod??

I don't know why so much hype got behind the Ipod, granted l have a 30gig ipod also (the one before the touch) but l also have a 30 gig Zune. Not for nothing but the even first gen Zune is so much better then even the fifth version of the ipod. The screen is bigger,better res,built in radio ect. l haven't had any problems with it or the software and l have had problems with itunes and it's software. Even loading songs in to my itunes library it would load songs from say last to first insted of first to last.
l'm not Mac bashing (l have a g3,g4,ipod and even a shuffle) but l've had less problems with my Zune and or my xp/vista machines. Also l find myself using my Mac stuff less and less. the ipod l don't use at all unless l need a few gigs to swap stuff(back up drive).
l've never been influenced by hype or been a follower. l've always been the type to be my own judge. I try the produces first hand and judge for myself. l really don't think many people are like that anymore. I think most people would rather be followers and would rather follow the so called that might make them cool..yea OK.
I don't know, what do you think.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Directv Actually paid!

Oh my...l can't actually believe it but l opened my mail today and there was a refund check from Directv.
It finally came, I thought it wouldn't and just chalked it up as a loss but they kept their word. And of course now they're offering me all these incentives to come back with a lot of freebies. Maybe in the future if Verizon doesn't keep their word or when my Dish Network contract runs out. We will see.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Now Verizon...Is It Just Me?

l don't know, is it just me or is everyone having problems with their phone/tv & internet providers.
you've read my other posts on Directv and Dish (if not scroll down), now l'm having issues with who else but Verizon. This is the most common issue..they sell you on a price and some how every other month the price seems to go up! Now l'm wondering if l drop my home phone with these clowns am l going to have to pay yet another cancellation fee.

This crap seems to be a never ending thing with these guy. so that's my question, is it just me and my bad luck or is everyone having these neverending problems.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trying To Get Rich??

Is it just me or does it seem like everyone on Craigs list is over pricing their crap trying to get rich.
Are these people really that dopey or do they think people are so stupid that they can't find out what things are really worth. l mean just take a look at some of the items.. a g3 or g4 for $500-or more when a new one is just a few hundred more or any laptop for that matter. What about the xbox or ps2 or 3 for $2-300 again hello a new one is about the same price.

l could go on and on. lt's pretty sad that Craigs list has become worse then Ebay and that's saying alot. l usually get a kick out of these clowns thinking they are going to get rich off their (mostly) crap.
lt would be interesting if there were stats on what gets posted and actually which of these items get sold.

Food for thought!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Today Is my little girls birthday and she's turning 2! we're throwing her a big party. l'm sure fun will be had by all....


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Link to my other blog..

Link to my other blog..

Dish Network?

Well like l left my last post.. l joined Dish Network for my tv after leaving Directv and already l’ve had major problems with these guys. First the sale rep promised me all these goodies including a second dvr free of charge which was (B.S.) and of course l said ok. They came and installed the system on a Saturday and what do you know, after the tech left my main dvr started acting up. This thing (625) is a piece of crap! lt started going into a constant restart loop. l called support, they said that they couldn’t send someone till Wednesday/Thursday… l flipped out on these smoes. l called a supervisor that came by during the install and he said he’ld have someone here the next day with a new unit. OK, the company told me that they would credit me for not having service for 2 days..ya ok here comes the first bill…not only did l not get my credit but they charged me a $99 service fee that they later said was for the second dvr.

So after argureing with THESE clowns now for 2 months they say they will waive the $99 fee. l let you know what happens when the next bill comes in.

Unfortunately all these companies SUCK! l guess it comes down to which one sucks less and which one actully might listen to some of their customers.

Until next time.

P. Fucile

My Directv Woes…

Sorry it’s been awhile. l finally beat off Directv and their nasty reps!! lt took me 3 months and a ton of calls to various reps and supervisors (which are same-they just flip a coin to see who’s who today). l’ve even wrote and called 7 on your side,shame on you (CBS),channel 9,fox 5 and a couple others. only one answered me back but even then l didn’t get anywhere!! So much for the press looking out for the little guy..ha! Anyway l finally called corporate and l’m not sure but the guy told me he was the C.E.O anyway after telling him my long and aggravating story he finally agreed to wipe my bill cleaned and said l would be receiving a refund (not holding my breath).

But at least the $400 bill they were trying to extort from me is gone. So after all of that l switched to Dish Network (thanks John C. Dvorak (lol)) and l’ve had some problems with these guys already! But that’s for the next blog.

Check back for the next installment.


Hello..this is my first post!!


Yes, this my first post on my new blog……if my mommy can see me now!!

l’ll have alot more to say in a day or so, things like how pissed l am about how Directv and now Dish Network is tring to extort money out of people for canceling, anywhere from $250. to $400. lt is outrageous!!!!

More to come.